Our address: Ashrafi street 1 lane, house 9
Tel:+998 71 2918757 -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







- building codes and regulations (PUE, Rules for the operation of electrical installations), standards, specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design estimates, economics and organization of construction, copyright;</ div>
- technical, economic and social requirements for the designed objects;
- order of registration of design estimates and other technical documentation;
- building materials, products, structures.
- analyze complaints by projects and identify their causes;
- read construction drawings;
- develop working project nodes.
1 Knowledge of Microsoft office programs (Word, Excel), automated design and drawing systems AutoCAD.
2 Must have: - communication skills; - the ability to work in a team.
3 Knowledge of languages ​​is desirable: - Uzbek; - Russian; - English
Selection Criteria

Higher technical education, work experience in the specialty for at least 6 years

1 Must have a higher technical education or a special technical education.
2 Must have a basic understanding of electrical networks.
3 Must be able to draw equivalent circuits for electrical network elements, determine the resistance of lines, transformers.
4 Ability to work on a computer at the level of a confident user.
5 Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, AutoCAD computer-aided design and drafting systems.
6 Must be able to communicate.

1 Must have a higher technical education or a special technical education in the field of energy and work experience as an engineer for at least 2 years.

2 Must have a general understanding of electrical networks.

3 Should be able to draw up equivalent circuits for elements of electrical networks, determine the resistance of lines, transformers.

4 Ability to work on a computer at the level of a confident user.

5 Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, automated design and drawing systems AutoCAD.

6 Must know the governing and regulatory documents related to energy (PUE, Rules for the operation of electrical installations).

7 Must have good communication skills.

8 Readiness for business trips.


If you want to work in our company, you can send your CV or download the application form and fill it out, send it by fax or e-mail.

Fax: (0371) 287-87-26

Phone: (0371) 287-87-62

E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span >

When a suitable vacancy arises, the employees of the Human Resources Department of our company will contact you

Download application form

© 2019-2022, Joint stock company "O'zenergoinjiniring"

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100076, г. Tashkent city M. Ashrafi street 1 lane, building 9
Phone: (+99891) 291-87-57
Fax: (+99871) 291-87-26
E-mail: uzenergoeng@mail.ru
Copying of information (quoting in the media of certain information or messages) posted on the company's website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is allowed provided that a link to the source of such information is indicated.


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