The company carries out its activities on a commercial basis and the main goal of the company is to make a profit.
The main area of activity of the company is the production of goods (works, services) that meet the requirements of consumers and the satisfaction of their demand for design and survey work in various areas of the economy, ensuring the introduction of advanced technologies and scientific achievements. Including:
- participation in the development and implementation of the foundations of national and industry programs, government policy documents that determine the development of electric networks in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- forecasting and optimization of energy balances of economic sectors;
- development of issues of the strategy of long-term development and formation of a system for the distribution of electricity and electricity supply of the Republic of Uzbekistan
To achieve the goal of its activities, the Company carries out the following activities:
- design of power lines and substations with a voltage of 0.4-500 kV;
- design of relay protection, system automation, telemechanics, communications and other devices that ensure the normal functioning of electrical networks;
- design of gas turbine, diesel, small hydraulic and existing power plants;
- design of renewable energy sources;
- design of construction and repair and maintenance facilities, residential buildings and social facilities;
- development of regulatory, methodological and standard documentation;
- information, consulting, engineering and other services according to the profile of the Company;
- conducting engineering and geodetic surveys and engineering and geological surveys (including drilling);
- the implementation of consulting and expert work in the field of energy and related branches of industrial production on orders of legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones;
- development of all stages of project documentation (fuel and energy resources, feasibility studies, taxiways, RP, working drawings);
- preparation of tender documentation;
- field supervision;
- development and implementation of a regulatory framework for design in the field of energy construction;
- adaptation of design documentation in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- engineering, collection, storage, study, protection, use and implementation of scientific, commercial, technical and environmental information, purchase and sale of technologies, patents, copyrights and licenses for the use of inventions;
- marketing, commercial and intermediary activities, the provision of paid services to enterprises, organizations and individuals;
- strengthening, developing the material and technical base of the Company;
- implementation of production and economic activities that do not contradict the current legislation and the relevant goals of the Company;
- in the prescribed manner to carry out foreign economic activity;
- implementation of rental activities, leasing of movable and immovable property;
- it is authorized to engage in other activities not prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to obtain additional profit for the enterprise.
State orders, including orders of structural divisions of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for manufactured products and rendered services, are accepted by the company for execution as a matter of priority.