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Description of the organizational structure of JSC «O‘ZENERGOINJINIRING" approved minutes of the extraordinary General meeting of shareholders dated 23.12.2020, No. 5


The General meeting of shareholders - the Supreme body of governance through which the shareholders exercise their right to participate in management of the company.

The audit Commission – the body responsible for exercising internal financial, economic and right of control over the activities of the company reporting directly to the General meeting of shareholders. The members of the audit Committee are elected by the General meeting of shareholders.

The Supervisory Board - the management body responsible for developing the company's strategy, overall management and supervision of companies to ensure its interests. Is elected by the shareholders at the General meeting of shareholders.

The internal audit service - responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the work of the Executive body, through controls and monitoring of compliance with legislation, company Charter and other documents to ensure completeness and reliability of reflection of the data in the accounting and financial reporting, established rules and procedures of business transactions, safeguarding of assets and compliance with requirements set by legislation for the management of the company. The internal audit service is accountable to the Supervisory Board of the company.

CEO sole Executive body of the company exercising management of current activities of the company and implements the strategy approved by the Supervisory Board and shareholders of the company.

Technical Director – performs overall management of the design process;

Director of Economics, Finance and General Affairs – supervises financial and economic activities of the company.

Accounting – performs:

- the preparation of financial and tax reports;

- accounting for fixed assets, commodity-material assets (income, write-offs);

the account of calculations with the personnel (salary, travel and other);

- accounting of settlements with debtors and creditors;

- banking operations.

The Department of Economics of production performs:

- preparation of the business plan;

- monitoring of economic indicators;

- execution of contracts;

- development of staffing;

- control distribution of payroll.

Office - provides the organization administration in accordance with the main provisions of EGSD (unified State System of record keeping).

The chief of service of logistics, operation and transport – directs business operations and providing vehicles.

Service, logistics, operations and transport – includes:

1) a Group of transport drivers;

2) Economic group – head.khoz. group, gardener, watchmen, janitor, cleaners;

3) Group logistics - the power engineer, a communications engineer, engineer (boilermaker), boiler operators, plumber, head of the production warehouse, artist, painter, carpenter, nurse.

Deputy technical Director (ES 35-110 kV):

Manages the design of electric networks with voltage of 35-110 kV.

The zonal chief Engineers of Projects (GIP) - coordinates the project and performing work throughout the complex project.

Business development Dept - executes development schemes of electric networks kV 6-10-35-110 for the future, schemes of power supply of consumers in the networks of 0,4÷110 kV.

The Department of engineering research – conducting engineering surveys, geotechnical investigations (including drilling);

Department of electrical networks and substations - engaged in the design ВЛ35-110 kV; КЛ35-110 kV and substations of substations (35-110 kV).

WithStroitelny Department - develops design documentation for construction of overhead and cable power lines of 0,4-500 kV, construction of substations 0,4-500 kV, various structures, administrative and residential buildings.

The Department estimates - deals RazrabotkaOh Resursabout-estimate documentationand for projects of power lines, kabelins lineth, electrical substations, diesel electric stationth, administrative and residential buildings.

SFTP - onbasicivaet Society scientific, technical, economic and standard-normative documentation, leads accounting and monitoring sohrannostd documents.

The map library – performs work with cartographic materials.

AFK - development of working documentation and engineering survey works for the projects in Ferghana, Andijan and Namangan regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

SFK - development of working documentation and engineering research projects VL 0,4-6-10 kV in Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions of Uzbekistan.

electric networks 0.4-10kV - engaged in the design electric networks 0,4-6-10 kV (VL 0,4-10 kV, KL 0,4-10 kVTA 6-10/0,4 kVRP 6-10 kV, AMR) for power consumers in the cite Tashkent, and regions of Uzbekistan.

The Department of registration and release of projects performs work on the design and production of design documentation.

Department of information and communication technology - engaged in manufacturing of information and communication technologies with application of modern software and computing equipment.

Deputy technical Director - head of technical Department - General management for new areas of Society.

Technical Department - staff training and organization of works on new areas of Society.

Sector relay protection and automation of substations 220-500 kV

- design of relay protection and wiring 220-500 kV substation.

Sector emergency control networks 220-500 kV

- design of emergency automation of the power system.

Electrical sector 220-500 kV

- design of the primary switching PS 220-500 kV.

Sector high voltage transmission lines 220-500 kV - the design lines of 220-500 kV.

Architecture and construction sector 220-500 kV - designing of buildings and constructions of substations 220-500 kV.

Sector control modes and design of energy systems

- development of perspective development schemes of electric networks 220-500 kV;

calculations of static and dynamic stability.

Sector studies of innovative technologies and research

- carrying out research and application works in the field of energy, including alternative energy sources;

- development of normative technical, methodical and standard documentation on the design of power systems, electrical networks, lines and substations.

Sector feasibility studies of investment projects and marketing

-develop PTER, of silk products, technical and feasibility studies of investment projects;

-marketing research

Group corporate relations with shareholders - organization of work on observance of the rights and interests of all participants of corporate relations, observance of norms and requirements of corporate laws, other regulatory acts and internal documents of the company, the introduction of common rules and standards of corporate management, coordination and organization of interaction with state bodies on corporate matters.

Department management staff - selection, placement, professional development, maintenance of established documentation on personnel.

Special part - secret paperwork.

Counsel - performs work in compliance with the law in the activities of the Society and protect his legal interests.

Group mobilization training and civil protection -organization of work on civil defense and mobilization training

Department of quality assurance, standards compliance and QMS - organizes the work to prevent poor performance of the design-budget documentation and the achievement of conformity to requirements of normative documents.

Engineer at engineering and fire safety performs control over fire safety measures, introductory and periodic training on equipment and fire safety.

Scientific-technical the Council (STC)  - Scientific-the technical Committee is one of the main forms of participation of specialists in the development and implementation of scientific – technical policy companies, increase scientific level and relevance of the performed research their innovative orientation.



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100076, г. Tashkent city M. Ashrafi street 1 lane, building 9
Phone: (+99891) 291-87-57
Fax: (+99871) 291-87-26
E-mail: uzenergoeng@mail.ru
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