
Research Department
The department is guided by applicable laws, regulations and government orders; orders, instructions and instructions of JSC Uzbekenergo, Gosarchitektstroy, the State Geodetic Supervision of the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions for selecting sites for the construction of step-down substations, instructions for surveying routes for overhead lines 35-750 kV and 6-10 kV overhead lines and instructions for surveying sites for step-down substations 35 -500 kV.
Head of Department - Radjabov Rustam Egamberdiyevich
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-84

Relay protection department and automation, means of dispatching and technological control
The main tasks of the department are: - development of design documentation for the construction part of 35/110/220 kV overhead lines; Substation 35/110/220 kV; DES; RPB; TP; residential buildings.
Head of Department - Zahidov Abror
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-93

Department of Perspective development and calculations
The department is the general designer for the implementation of schemes for the development of electrical networks 110-35-10-6-0.4 kV for power supply.
Head of Department - Nurmatov I
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-88

Department of resource and estimate documentation
The department is engaged in the development of resource estimates.
Head of Department - Rafikov M.
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-89

Department of Information and Communication Technologies.
The department deals with maintenance and system software computer technology, development of programs and calculations of electrical networks.
Head of Department - Makhmudov Sh.Sh.
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-30

Department of quality control, compliance with standards and the functioning of the QMS.
The main task of the department of quality control, compliance with standards and the functioning of the QMS is to prevent poor-quality execution of design estimates and achieve full compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.
Head of Department - Vacansy
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-85

Department of Electric Networks
The department is guided by applicable laws, regulations and government orders; orders, instructions and instructions of JSC Uzbekenergo, Gosarchitektstroy, the State Geodetic Supervision of the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions for selecting sites for the construction of step-down substations, instructions for surveying routes for overhead lines 35-750 kV and 6-10 kV overhead lines and instructions for surveying sites for step-down substations 35 -500 kV.
Head of Department - Karimov A.A
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-87

Substation department
The department is guided by applicable laws, regulations and government orders; orders, instructions and instructions of JSC Uzbekenergo, Gosarchitektstroy, the State Geodetic Supervision of the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions for selecting sites for the construction of step-down substations, instructions for surveying routes for overhead lines 35-750 kV and 6-10 kV overhead lines and instructions for surveying sites for step-down substations 35 -500 kV.
Head of Department - Nigmataliyev Sh.
Phone: (+998 71) 291-87-87

Samarkand branch of integrated design
The branch is guided by applicable laws, regulations and government orders; orders, instructions and instructions of JSC Uzbekenergo, Gosarchitektstroy, the State Geodetic Supervision of the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions for choosing sites for the construction of step-down substations.
Head of the branch - Fakhriddin Fayzievich Kuchkarov
Phone: (+998 66) 229-17-96