About us
O`ZENERGOINJINIRING JSC is a specialized organization for the design of power supply and electrification facilities for all consumers located in rural areas, cities and regional centers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, water management facilities and utility complexes located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Define padding for the top, right, bottom, and left margins. Padding is the distance between the content and its border. Padding defines the space within something. As a rule, it is filled sequentially: Top, Right, Bottom, Left. Negative values are not allowed.
forecasting and optimization of energy balances of economic sectors
development of issues of a strategy for long-term development and formation of a system for distributing electricity and power supply of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Your Energy Assistant
Joint Stock Company
O`ZENERGOINJINIRING JSC is a specialized organization for the design of power supply and electrification facilities for all consumers located in rural areas, cities and regional centers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, water management facilities and utility complexes located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Project based on modern construction technologies
Projects made by our team of specialists allow us to reduce construction time, through the use of modern installation methods, materials and technologies, the materials used are affordable and available for free sale.
Integrated approach to design
Our company is ready to offer a full range of services in the field of design. Clients who contact us do not have to look for various narrow specialists. It is in our competence to solve the whole range of tasks and prepare all sets of design and estimate documentation.
Qualified Design Engineers
Extensive experience of specialists represented by the group of companies JSC "Uzenergoengineering", are highly qualified, have all the necessary permits and licenses for project activities.
The shortest design time
Our company uses modern software, which allows us to reduce the design time by several times. Our task is to issue design and estimate documentation as quickly as possible, which allows us not to postpone the construction period.
Our work
A project that determines the technology, organization of work, the timing of their implementation and the procedure for providing resources for construction and installation work and serves as the main document in the organization of construction processes. Developed during the preparatory period of construction