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Society activity

The team of JSC "O'zenergoinjiniring", along with survey work and detailed design, prepares complex solutions of industry significance: develops a concept and strategy for the development of grid power industry, draws up consolidated forecast energy balances, develops fundamental decisions that determine a unified technical policy, and also performs regulatory work. Design is on stream. Power grid construction projects are provided in full in a timely manner with high-quality design documentation. Timely development of projects allows you to place orders for equipment, network structures and basic materials in advance. The adopted design solutions provide conditions for the introduction of advanced building technologies.

The existing distribution electrical networks with a voltage of 0.38-35 kV have now practically exhausted their estimated service life, and their restoration and further development should be carried out taking into account new technological solutions at the level of world standards and modern achievements embedded in the new equipment manufactured by electrical enterprises and building structures.

In world practice, the following new technical extensions have become widespread, which have begun to be used in JSC "O'zenergoinjiniring":

  • the use of self-supporting insulated wires (SIP) in the construction of 0.38 kV overhead lines, which significantly increase the reliability of power supply to consumers, safety for the population and maintenance personnel and reduce operating costs by 70%;
  • the use of more modern compact transformer substations with a voltage of 6-110 kV;
  • the use of more modern insulator structures for overhead lines and substations;
  • the use of modern equipment for SDTU and the AIIS KUE system and electronic metering devices for electric energy;
  • using new cables 6-110 kV with cross-linked insulation;
  •  new computer technologies in the performance of design and survey work.

External power supply of pumping stations to mitigate the negative effects of the expected low water.

  • External power supply of the Dekhkanabad potash fertilizer plant on the basis of the Tyubegatan potash salt deposit.
  • External power supply of the facilities of the Zarmitanskoye field.
  • Reserve power supply of border facilities.
  • External power supply of construction sites at the site of the Kandym group of gas fields in the Bukhara region.
  • External power supply of investment facilities of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Power supply of schools, colleges and medical centers in many regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Power supply of new railway facilities under construction in the republic, including the design of 110 kV overhead lines for traction substations, and the reconstruction of overhead lines-6-220-500 kV crossings through category 1 trunk roads.

JSC "O'zenergoinjiniring" took part in the design of power lines 10 - 110 kV and substations with a voltage of 35 - 110 kV for objects with foreign investment, the construction of which has been carried out since 1993 and is ongoing.
JSC "O'zenergoinjiniring" participates in the implementation of programs provided for by the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including investment projects, namely:

  • External power supply of pumping stations to mitigate the negative effects of the expected low water.
  • External power supply of the Dekhkanabad potash fertilizer plant on the basis of the Tyubegatan potash salt deposit.
  • External power supply of the facilities of the Zarmitanskoye field.
  • Reserve power supply of border facilities.
  • External power supply of construction sites at the site of the Kandym group of gas fields in the Bukhara region.
  • External power supply of investment facilities of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Power supply of schools, colleges and medical centers in many regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Power supply of new railway facilities under construction in the republic, including the design of 110 kV overhead lines for traction substations, and the reconstruction of 6-220 kV overhead lines crossings through category 1 main roads.

JSC "O'zenergoinjiniring" took part in the design of power lines 10 - 110 kV and substations with a voltage of 35 - 110 kV for objects with foreign investment, the construction of which has been carried out since 1993 and is ongoing.


© 2019-2022, Joint stock company "O'zenergoinjiniring"

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100076, г. Tashkent city M. Ashrafi street 1 lane, building 9
Phone: (+99891) 291-87-57
Fax: (+99871) 291-87-26
E-mail: uzenergoeng@mail.ru
Copying of information (quoting in the media of certain information or messages) posted on the company's website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is allowed provided that a link to the source of such information is indicated.


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